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A language of colors and intuitions


Carla Talopp's world has always been filled with art in all its forms. Attuned to drawing and the plastic arts since her earliest years, she is a multifaceted artist whose cross-disciplinary practice reveals a plurality of forms. Nourished by the work of Sonia Delaunay, a pioneer of plastic experimentation at the beginning of the 20th century, she affirmed her taste for the visual arts to which she chose to devote herself fully after training at ESAG Penninghen (Paris) and a stint at the famous Rhode Island School of Design (United States).

Through drawing, painting and ceramics, she grasps the concerns of this changing world, echoing her personal history. With her large formats, she measures herself against the vastness of her canvases, leading to the liberation of the painted forms, imbued with a luxuriant nature whose bright and exacerbated colours are almost like an unreal world. Whether they are teeming jungles or sparkling sea beds, these painted worlds reflect the artist's real understanding of the future of nature and its ecosystems.

Tinged with events that have marked her career, Carla Talopp's art transports and moves us, both lyrical and rational, it elevates us and brings us together around essential and highly unifying values.

Emeline Vincent



  • 2021: Châteaux de Herrebouc, Gers, France

  • 2020: Galerie Matières, Auch, France

  • 2020: Espace Andrée Chedid, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

  • 2016: Galerie du Sel, Sèvres, France

  • 2015: Galerie Planète Rouge, Paris, France

  • 2014: La Mezzanine, Sèvres, France

  • 2008: French Embassy Washington DC, US

  • 2008: Access Art Gallery, New York, US

  • 2007: China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China



  • 2018: Portrait (s), Photographic Summer, Vichy, France

  • 2017: Phillips Foundation, Paris (Fr), London (UK), New York (US)

  • 2013: Joburg Art Fair, Galerie Baudoin Lebon, South Africa

  • 2013: Salon Art Elysées, Galerie Baudoin Lebon, Paris, France

  • 2013: Galerie Baudoin Lebon, Paris

  • 2012: Galerie des Éditions du Pacifique, Paris, France

  • 2009: Musée de la Poste, Paris, France



  • Maison Pierre Frey, Maison Guerlain, CIRCA festival, Musique en chemin, Arte, Hôtel Edgar, Gasandji, Éditions Gallimard, Éditions Hazan, JMEditions, Série Limitée magazines Les Echos , Ulysses, Unexplored

  • Co-founded of Studio Nomade with Artist Thomas Millet.



  • 2009: Special Jury Prize of the Taiwan International Poster Design for Sur le fil

  • 2009: Second Prize of the International Eco Poster Triennial, Ukraine for the series Sur le fil

  • 2007: Laureate for the residency program in China by the French Embassy



  • 2015: Illustration of “Kojiki”, Edition Gallimard

  • 2013: La pieuvre”, Edition Baudoin Lebon

  • 2010: Illustration of  “The Brief History of the World” by EH Gombrich, Edition  Hazan

  • 2007: Paris-Monaco, artist's book, Villa Arson

  • 2005: Paris-New York, artist's book, Esag-Penninghen



  • 2021: The Socialite Family, by Constance Gennari

  • 2021: Out of Season magazine, by  Matias Esteban 

  • 2021: Les Echos, by Alice d'Orgeval

  • 2020: Comunidad Pan, by Estefania Radnic

  • 2019: AD Magazine, by Marina Hemonet

  • 2019: Marie-Claire Maison

  • 2018: Elle Magazine, by Soline Delos

  • 2018: Plaisirs du Gers, by Dominique Crebassol



  • 2017: Phillips Auction with Le Ciel Foundation, New York 

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